The mission of Randolph County Historical Society is to archive, exhibit, teach, and provide access to materials that tell the history of Randolph County, Missouri.

Randolph County Museum223 N. Clark St.Moberly MO  65270
Randolph County Genealogical Archives223 N. Clark St.Moberly MO  65270
Randolph County Railroad Museum100-198 N. Sturgeon St.Moberly MO  65270


The Historical Center is closed during the winter.

2024 Hours

Monday 10-12;  Saturday 10-2  April - October

Tours for the Railroad Museum or Historical Museum may be scheduled by leaving a phone or email message. 

(Please give a minimum of two weeks advance notice.)

Genealogical research may be scheduled or questions left by leaving a phone or email message. (Please give a minimum of one week for a response.)

The Randolph County Missouri Historical Society (RCHS) operates as the Randolph County Historical Center (RCHC) in Randolph County, Missouri.

Randolph County History

At 825 feet above sea level, Randolph County Missouri is located north of the Missouri River and west of the Mississippi River.  Geographically it is vertically divided in half by the Great Divide.  The county drains water both to the Mississippi and to the Missouri Rivers.  The Bee Trace overlies this high ridge.

Layers of coal and shale can be found throughout the county.  These natural resources were the impetus for the mining and brick industries that shaped the county in the late 1800s and into the twentieth century. The fast forests of oak, elm, walnut, hickory, cottonwood, and sycamore drew settlers to the area. Trees provided the settlers with good sources for protection, materials to build homes, and fuel to warm. The terrain had countless streams for water to support the settlers and the animals they would bring. As Rothwell describes, the soil was yellow loam turning into black soil in the lowlands, which supported corn, hay, wheat, and other grains. These crops were able to support cattle, hogs, and sheep.

The earliest settler in Randolph County came from the area of Fayette and Franklin (Old Franklin today).  Several had migrated from Kentucky, Virginia, and North Carolina to that area around 1818. The land we know as Randolph County was part of the original county of Howard that extended to the Indian Territory (Iowa line). There were only 15 counties in the Territory of Missouri. In 1820, Howard County was split and Chariton County was created.  On January 22, 1829, Randolph was separated from the larger Chariton County, still extending to the Indian Territory or Iowa line. See Tanner’s 1836 map of Missouri at Old Historical City, County and State Maps of Missouri ( .Macon County was not established until 1837 and a few changes to the northern county line were made later.  Today, the county is mainly a rectangle, 21 miles wide and 25 miles long (470 square miles), with the southern line angled against the border of Howard County.  The county was named after John Randolph, an orator from Roanoke, Virginia.

Four townships were created in 1829, Salt Springs, Sugar Creek, Siver Creek, and Prairie. Today there are 11. Sugar Creek split to add Union, Cairo, Jackson, and Salt River.  Salt Springs was divided to include Chariton and Clifton.  Moniteau was split from Silver Creek.

Inventors, entrepreneurs, businessman, politicians, and other community leaders have made the county known across the nation.  All of their stories, whether native born or long-time residents, made the community we know as Randolph County, Missouri.

Snippets of the Past

2024 Events

October 10, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m.     Annual Meeting   Central Christian College of the Bible

February Feb 22, 2024 @ 9:00 am               Story of Melvin B. Tolson


4th Street Theatre, Inc., 110 N 4th St, Moberly, MO 65270-1514, United States

Hosted By Moberly Area Council on the Arts, Moberly Depot District, 4th Street Theatre, Inc.

Featured Exhibits

The Stamper and Fleming Connection April - June 2024

Stepping Into History April - June 2025


This is a sample of the inventory of books we have at the Randolph County Historical Center.  During the winter months, the center does not have regular hours.  Please contact us for information on how to purchase these books.   Facebook PM -  or Email:

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2024 Events